The Truth About the Coronavirus

The Truth About the Coronavirus

To all my patients, spa-goers, staff, loved ones, and anyone who gets a chance to read this – I write to you from a place of logic and calm that I hope will alleviate your worries and concerns.

The current Coronavirus is not destroying lives – panic is. The best way to avoid the Coronavirus is by not watching fear-based news. I hope you'll read on, and learn more about the truth of the Coronavirus, who is at a highest risk, and what you can do to limit your exposure.

The words in the media create sensationalism that stoke the flames of fear and worry, leading to emotional overreaction and behavior. One of our strongest and basic instincts is to survive – it is a trait of our more primitive brain and exists in all life. In today's world of social media and connectedness, any narrative can be pushed and influence the masses in a matter of minutes. The Coronavirus narrative is no different than any other big story that burns on the internet like wildfire, and then burns out until the next big story (does anyone remember the measles outbreak of the summer of 2019? What happened to that?)

The basic headlines we are bombarded with are misleading and elicit fear. And so what do you do? Buy 100 rolls of toilet paper and ten years of canned soup and stay inside wearing a mask and rub hand sanitizer all over your body every ten seconds, and now when I go shopping I have to buy paper towels to wipe with (ouch!), and my favorite soup is gone!

There is potential seriousness of those afflicted, but getting sick with the Coronavirus is not a death sentence. The majority of people who test positive have minor cold and flu-like symptoms - almost 80%. The thing that is unique about the Coronavirus is how widespread it is – and will continue to spread. That is what is keeping the attention of the world. The virus will most likely spread throughout the US. The result will be school closures and city and business shutdowns. But please don't worry. Keep an even head. Statistically, you are going to be fine even if you get the Coronavirus, or the flu, or measles or whatever comes next.

The words experts, pandemic, epidemic, confirmed cases, another case, presumed case, quarantine, and epidemiologist flood the news constantly with a bias of death, disease, and destruction. The statistic that 105,000 people have had (meaning they had it, but they don't have it anymore) the virus doesn't define anything.

105,000 people have had it, but 101,500 thus far have survived. Of the 105,000 tested, how many people were symptomatic? And how severe? There are probably more people sick with the virus than we know. This actually makes the death toll an even smaller statistic. Unfortunately, the spread of the virus is going to go global and get worse before it gets better, and more people will die from it, just like the flu or any other illness except that this virus is going global in a short amount of time.
The following chart displays the most common demographic based on age and death due to Coronavirus, which currently pales in comparison to the flu:

Source: Worldometer based on Chinese fatality rates and the Chinese CCDC

It seems that the Coronavirus is thought of as an all or nothing virus in terms of death, but that is not the case. Most patients either made a full recovery or had mild symptoms. Of course, the more people who contract it globally increase the death toll, but a majority of the people who have died had pre-existing health conditions.

So what can you do to stay healthy and avoid getting sick? Today the mayor relayed some helpful information, saying, "I think there's some misunderstanding out there about the disease and I really want to clear that up: You cannot get it from just being in a room where someone was; you can't get it because you're in a subway car and someone else was on that same subway car. It has to be direct, immediate contact, and it has to be a transfer of fluids like a sneeze, a cough, spitting, that gets into your eyes, nose, or mouth directly."

The mayor also reiterated that those at-risk for more severe coronavirus complications include people over 50 and those suffering from heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, cancer, and a compromised immune system.

In addition, I've listed some general things below. I have to be clear and say as a disclaimer that nothing has been proven to prevent coronavirus infection, but there are nutrients and herbs that can lessen the severity of viral infections in general and keep you less susceptible. The following list is not to be construed as health advice but just as a guideline. If you are feeling ill, please see your medical doctor.

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium
  • NAC (N-acetylcysteine) 
  • Adaptogenic herbs such as Tulsi, Ginseng, Rhodiola. Eleuthero
  • Antiviral herbs such as Astragalus, Elderberry, Echinacea, Ganoderma/Shitake mushroom, Isatis, Oregano, Arabinex powder (larch tree extract)
About the Author

Dr. Josh Kantor is a leading NYC Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist who is also the Founder of Chill Space, a NYC Health Spa.


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