Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Most of us have heard about the health of benefits of fermented foods, but few of us are brave enough to try them. Some say they smell and taste too strong, while others are not interested in adding those foods to their diet.

Fermentation was once just known as a technique to preserve food. Emerging scientific research has proven that fermentation not only lengthens the shelf life of food but also retains its nutrients. Additionally, it breaks the food down into something that our stomachs can easily digest.

What are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods go through the process of lacto-fermentation. During the process, natural bacteria eat the starch and sugar in the food creating acid or alcohol. For instance, fruits and vegetables have their organic compounds like starches and sugars converted to lactic acid. As a result, it preserves the food and leads to the creation of healthy enzymes, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and other probiotics. When food is fermented, it will have a distinctively strong flavor, that is slightly sour.

Fermentation is not a new method since it has been around for centuries - long before the time refrigerators were invented. It was the primary way to preserve food. Around the world, many fermented foods have been eaten for years, including Kimchi in Korea and Sauerkraut in Germany.

What Makes Fermented Food Healthy?

If you have not tried fermentation, here are great reasons why you should start incorporating these foods into your diet:
  • Fermented foods are an excellent source of probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria, but do not let the name fool you because they are known as "beneficial bacteria." Introducing these good bacteria to your digestive system will help control and balance the bacteria in your gut. Probiotics have been shown to provide numerous health benefits, including slowing down or even reversing some diseases. They are also known for improving bowel health, digestion, and immunity.
  • Fermented foods help you better absorb the nutrients from what you eat. Because there is a proper balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut, it will lead to more digestive enzymes in your system. What happens next is that you will be able to digest the foods you eat, and their nutrients will be absorbed properly. Therefore, if you want to up your nutrient intake, add fermented food to your healthy diet to absorb more nutrients from the food you eat. Your gut will capture more vital nutrients from the food in your diet rather than needing to over-compensate with extra vitamins and supplements.
  • Consuming fermented foods can protect you against pathogens. The microflora that thrives in fermented food can create a coating that protects the intestines, shielding it against salmonella, E. coli, and other pathogenic factors.
  • You will have a stronger immune system. Eating fermented foods can increase antibodies or immunoglobulins, which the immune system uses to try neutralizing the pathogenic viruses and bacteria that make you sick.
  • They will help you control your cravings. Regularly eating fermented foods can lead to a regulated appetite. These foods are effective in reducing your cravings for refined carbs and sugar. 
Top Fermented Foods and Drinks to Add to Your Healthy Diet

When food is fermented, you let it sit and steep for a long time until carbs and sugars become agents that boost good bacteria. This technique can be used to preserve fruits and vegetables as well. Here is a list of the healthiest fermented foods and drinks:
  • Kefir: This is a milk product from cow, sheep, or goat and it tastes like yogurt. Kefir is beneficial to the body as it has high vitamin B12 levels. Aside from that, it also has calcium, magnesium, folate, and biotin. Drinking kefir is good for the immune system as well and may help heal irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Kombucha: This fermented drink of sugar and black tea has tons of bacteria and yeast responsible for the fermentation process. Kombucha is a carbonated drink with vinegar, enzymes, probiotics, B vitamins, and acids, including lactic, acetic, and gluconic. Drink it daily to detoxify the body, have improved immunity, and fight cancer.
  • Sauerkraut: One of the oldest fermented foods around, sauerkraut is derived from fermented cabbage. Eating it will provide high amounts of fiber, vitamins A, C, K, and B, and minerals like iron, copper, sodium, and manganese. It also boosts gut health and strengthens the bones.
  • Miso: To create miso, you will have to ferment barley, brown rice, or soybean with a fungus called koji. This fermented food has anti-aging properties and can help maintain the beauty and health of your skin. It may also lower cancer risk and improve immune and nervous systems.
  • Kimchi: A Korean dish that includes cabbage, seasoning, and spices, kimchi is one of the oldest delicacies and has a history that can be traced back to the seventh century. Kimchi can help reduce cancer risks, as well as obesity, gastric ulcers, and diabetes. Plus, it has high levels of antioxidants that ward off free radicals that cause several chronic diseases in the body.
Incorporating fermented foods to your diet is not an expensive way to be healthy. With just a couple of dollars, you can ferment foods with ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen. You can benefit from the higher levels of probiotics from fermented food to add enzymes, beneficial bacteria, vitamins, and minerals to your intestinal flora. With regular consumption, you can improve the health of your digestive system, gut microbiome, and your immune system.

About the Author

Dr. Josh Kantor D.C. owns and manages the Wellness Spa NYC, Chill Space, a leading Manhattan Health and Wellness Spa. To learn more about scheduling a cryosauna session please visit his website at

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