Thankful For Good Health

Why We Are So Sick? Western medicine is flawed. It has become a disease care system with an emphasis on the elimination of symptoms by taking a lifetime of pharmaceuticals. This process is misleading and has created a medical dogma under the guise of media propaganda and a ruthless pharmaceutical industry. There is way too much suffering and illness for US “healthcare” to be touted as successful. Medicine is not bad, and emergency medicine saves lives, however, the medical approach for average patient care focuses on the search for disease instead of promoting wellness. Healthcare and disease care are two entirely different things. Most people only know of disease care. Alternative Health and Healing I started Chill Space, an NYC Health Spa , with the question in my mind of how could I offer people a way to heal, balance, restore and relax in the most comfortable but most effective way possible. I will not make any curative claims about the therapies we provide such as float...