Insomnia Natural Remedies
Insomnia Natural Remedies - Sleep Time is Healing Time Sleep time is healing time. It is just as vital to our health and survival as food, water, and air. Sleep is an innate behavior that is programmed into the core of our very existence. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation is one of the most harmful things someone can do to their bodies, on par with abusing drugs, consuming excess alcohol, eating a poor diet, and smoking. Sleep is a biological need that is so important that you will die without sleep, and sleep deprivation can be used as a method of torture So why do so many people choose to torture themselves? The effects of sleep deprivation are both obvious and insidious and have short and long-term impacts on our health. Not getting a good night’s sleep affects mental and emotional health, clarity of mind, memory and concentration, temperament, immune function, tolerance for daily stressors, libido, hormonal cycles, recovery time, and can cause inflammation and pain. What is mo...